Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dental Dilemmas....

"Oh've got me killed!!" exclaimed my elder son after a visit to the dentist yesterday. It was a matter of overlapping milk and permanent teeth..quite like the adolescent state of mind which I feel my almost-eleven year old son is gradullay inching towards
( much to my chagrin..Oh to think of Adolescent Troubles ...I shudder!!!)
Well, at the mere mention of the monstrous 'extraction' , horror leapt up and his eyes swam....."They may not extract" -I tried to assuage his fears.."But they may" he promptly replied..It reminded me of some very potent lines by Ogden Nash which I read during my under grad years-

"Because some tortures are physical and some are mental,
But the one that is both is dental.
It is hard to be self-possessed
With your jaw digging into your chest..... "

To add insult to his injury my younger son piped in " Thank God its over for the next six month at least".....


Nikhil Narayanan said...

Ya! Dental agonies lead to Ogden Nash even today :-)
Sit on the dentist chair, and dang! the poem comes to my mind...
Had this poem in school ...

Parul said...

Hey ya...
DG, nice post :)

Do you remember Nikhil...Our discussions over the mental and dental agonies...and your permanent reply "its gonna hurt just a little bit".

Deepu gg, you remind me....I have to see a dentist!!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, tell me about it! I've been through one recently, though not a case of "overlapping milk and permanent". Too old for that. It's the second wave of dental tribulations that many 20-somethings weather. And the common assumption is that it's all part of getting wiser. You're right, I refer to wisdom teeth ( I just had one; "and for obvious reasons" I can hear you add. But the agony was enough to make me sympathise with my fellow sufferer )...

Vineet Rajan said...

:-) i remember the time i was in 2nd grade and had to go the dentist to have some teeth pulled out. i was howling so much a couple of other patients left the clinic!! ha ha ha...