Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How little ones make your day....

Humans are strange animals.Look forward to outings as a change as long to get back home to the familiarity and comfort shortly after they have been out. Well ,after having spent a hectic weekend of outing we valued Oct 2 like never before... relaxing and watching "Gandhi" for the Nth time on TV. Lazing around in full majesty...'We personify lathargy' as my little Rul rightly puts it .Amidst this lazy mist came a request from my younger son"The whole family ,please assemble". So the three of us, assembled around him agog with interest as to what he wanted to show us...He came forward very shyly (highly uncharacteristic of him!!) with something clutched firmly behind. " Well what is it?!! Please show!!! ...We wailed...After much persuasion he extended a badly crushed, ripped sheet bearing these words (in his lovely cursive hand) - 'I love Papa and Mamma, I love Raghav'. We were touched ..But the indefatigable didactic Mother inside me had to peep out with a " Why is Raghav not suffixed with Bhaiya?" ..." I did'nt know how to spell it and asking you would have taken the surprise away", he replied in a small voice.....I dont have words to describe how small I suddely felt...


Parul said...

Oh my gawd!!!
I can't believe it!!!
My paala keshii is growing older :)

The Entropy of Smruthy said...

I love the way you7 write. I love the way you make motherhood seems more bountiful than it seems to the observor. I look forward to more of your posts. :)

Fighter Jet said...

I wish and pray ,childrens retain their love for parents till the last,specialy the boys.